Our country has shown that we can deliver on the global stage for the benefit of the planet and its people.
We have helped restore faith and trust in multilateralism.
COP28 UAE President
Our country has shown that we can deliver on the global stage for the benefit of the planet and its people.
We have helped restore faith and trust in multilateralism.
COP28 delivered the UAE Consensus, which has ushered in a new era for climate action.
Together, Parties delivered an outcome that is broadly recognized as the new point of reference to guide implementation going forward.
A key part of the UAE Consensus was delivering an ambitious negotiated response to the Global Stocktake (GST). The negotiated text that resulted from COP28 included unprecedented language around "transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems, in a just, orderly and equitable manner."
The text also included calls for tripling renewable energy, halting deforestation and doubling energy efficiency by 2030. The decision sets forward-looking actions, with the aim to close ambition and implementation gaps by 2030 and keep 1.5°C within reach, as well as aligning financial flows with these objectives.
An unprecedented reference to transitioning away from all fossil fuels in energy systems in a just, orderly and equitable manner.
A call for tripling renewables and doubling energy efficiency by 2030, accelerating the reduction of non-CO2 gases.
A global target to halt deforestation by 2030, including mobilization of support to enable its achievement.
Peaking emissions by 2025 in line with 1.5°C modelled pathways and with sustainable development, poverty eradication needs and different national circumstances.
The need for emissions reductions in line with the science establishing a reference point to progress towards economy wide Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) ambition that deliver deep, rapid, and sustained reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions of 43 per cent by 2030 and 60 per cent by 2035.
Galvanized momentum to progress beyond the doubling on adaptation finance and ushered in a new mode of work, with a view to adopt of a robust decision on the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance (NCQG) at COP29 that responds to the implementation of the UAE Consensus and the evolving needs of developing countries including on NDCs and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).
Operationalizing the Loss & Damage Fund and Funding Arrangements
On Day 1 of COP28, the Presidency facilitated a historic agreement to operationalize and capitalize funding for Loss and Damage, supporting those on the front lines of the climate crisis, with $792 million already pledged to date.
The first dedicated space under the UNFCCC process to drive equitable implementation across all Paris Agreement pillars, with references to health, labor rights and social protection as well as adaptation included for the first time.
Focuses on giving priority to adaptation to enhance global resilience and reduce global vulnerability by 2030. It defines these through overarching targets on key themes such as nature, food, health, water and infrastructure which are essential for human wellbeing and sustainable development and targets on how to approach adaptation at local to national levels.
Gives continued focused to opportunities and solutions to close pre 2030 mitigation ambition and implementation gaps including by building on the outcomes of the GST.
A decision to institutionalize the figure of the COP Presidency Youth Climate Champion to ensure ongoing engagement of young people in climate action and decision-making.
I thank all the participating delegations that worked together to achieve the historic UAE Consensus to accelerate climate action. I also commend the local and international teams that contributed to the successful organisation of the event.
The conference produced significant results, and we will continue to work hand-in-hand with the global community to advance all efforts aimed at securing a more sustainable future for our planet and its people.
We need to bridge the gap between the Global North and the Global South. And those who promise, must deliver. Those who pledge, must act. I am determined to do everything in my power to restore faith and confidence in multilateralism. I will hold every state, every party and every stakeholder accountable for keeping 1.5°C in reach.
COP28 occurred at a decisive moment in the fight against climate change…it's important that the outcome of the Global Stocktake clearly reaffirms the need for limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C & this requires drastic reductions in emissions in this decade…for the first time, there is a recognition of the need to transition away from fossil fuels - after many years in which the discussion of this issue was blocked.
COP28 delivered some serious strides forward. Tripling renewables and doubling energy efficiency. Operationalizing the loss and damage fund. A framework for the Global Goal on Adaptation. The crucial years ahead must keep ramping up ambition and climate action.
After 31 years of debates, and for the first time, we have a result that takes into consideration a trajectory of transitioning away from these fossil fuels… Obviously this road map is an effort we will have to pursue from now on... developed countries and developing countries must all be committed to having a common responsibility... developed countries should take that lead.
Today, at COP28, world leaders reached another historic milestone - committing, for the first time, to transition away from the fossil fuels that jeopardize our planet and our people, agreeing to triple renewable energy globally by 2030, and more. While there is still substantial work ahead of us to keep the 1.5°C goal within reach, today’s outcome puts us one significant step closer.
This COP will mark the beginning of the end of fossil fuels. The text we have in front of us sets in motion an irreversible, and accelerated transition away from fossil fuels. Humanity has finally done what is long, long, long overdue.
I congratulate the COP28 Presidency & countries for this major outcome that clearly states the goal of transitioning away from fossil fuels in line with 1.5°C. Pleased to see most IEA pillars reflected, though greater efforts are needed on finance for developing economies.